Monday, October 20, 2008

Diabetes Simulator

"A freeware educational simulator program of glucose-insulin interaction and insulin dosage & dietary adjustment in diabetes mellitus. AIDA contains a simple model of glucose-insulin interaction in the human body. It is intended for simulating the effects on the blood glucose profile of changes in insulin and diet for a typical insulin-dependent (type 1) diabetic patient (IDDM).
AIDA is only intended to be used for educational / teaching / demonstration purposes."
AIDA comes with 40 case scenarios which can be simulated and further case scenarios can be added by users.
Additonal resources include an Insulin Tutorial.

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Monday, October 13, 2008

DynaMed Moblie Access now Available

If you would like to access the DynaMed point-of-care database on your PDA's or SmartPhones, please come and see us in the Library to obtain you serial number login!

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Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Molecular Cell Biology

Medical students please note that this textbook reccommended by a recent visiting professor can be accessed via the internet:

~ Through the NCBI Bookshelf from NLM you can access the full text of the 4th ed.

~ While the publishers site contains alot of student resource material for the 5th and 6th ed., including animations, videos, classic experiments and online quizzing. "Molecular Cell Biology" ~ Lodush & Berk, 6th ed.


Monday, October 06, 2008

Rural and Remote Health Journal

This international journal is a not-for-profit, electronic, peer reviewed academic publication. It aims to further rural and remote health education, research and practice.
Note some recent articles of interest to medical/nursing students and educators:

"Influence of a rural background on a medical student’s decision to specialize in family medicine." ~ under the North American section.

"Perceived educational value and enjoyment of a rural clinical rotation for medical students." ~ under the African section.

"The crusade – a metaphorical explication of the journey made by mature female undergraduate nursing students."
~ from the Australasian section.

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Thursday, October 02, 2008

FDA Patient Safety News (PSN)

FDA Patient Safety News (PSN) is a monthly video news show for healthcare professionals. It covers significant safety alerts, recalls, new product approvals, and offers important tips on protecting patients.

Read the complete stories and watch or download the video program at Many of these PSN stories contain video footage and demonstrations that may be especially useful to educators in healthcare facilities and academic institutions.

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