Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Information Search Assist: Drop In Q&A Session

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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Risking the Wrath of Google

'White-hat'? 'Black-hat'? Seems almost 'cloak and dagger', but what does it all mean?
The New York Times has published some very interesting and enlightening information about the world of internet search and the games people play to get to the top ~ the top spot on your Google search generic list of hits that is! The article is called "The Dirty Little Secrets of Search".
"Despite the cowboy outlaw connotations, black-hat services are not illegal, but trafficking in them risks the wrath of Google. The company draws a pretty thick line between techniques it considers deceptive and “white hat” approaches, which are offered by hundreds of consulting firms and are legitimate ways to increase a site’s visibility."
The recent showdown on Google, which is the subject of the article, is described by one interviewee "as the most ambitious attempt to game Google’s search results that he has ever seen". Click on the post title to read this article from The New York Times.

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Monday, September 29, 2008

Researching Medical Literature on the Internet - 2008

This recently released article by Gloria Miccioli [LLRX], provides a good annotated guide to key, reliable internet sources for researchers of the medical literature.

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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Search like a Doctor, not a Patient

Dear Medical Professional:
In a recent survey of 6,000 physicians, 77-percent said they turned to the Web frequently to find medical information. If you're like them, then it's time to stop relying on the leading big-name, mass-market search engines and use the one designed especially for medical professionals: SearchMedica.

Trying a SearchMedica query for yourself will show you the difference between a professional tool and one designed for consumers.
Try “hypertension“ using Google.
Now try “hypertension“ with SearchMedica.

We think you'll discover that SearchMedica delivers results that are credible, relevant, and easy to manage using our “results by category“ feature. If you agree, we invite you to begin using SearchMedica immediately. You don't need a password or login, and SearchMedica is absolutely free of charge. There is never a fee.

Thank you for trying SearchMedica, and we hope you’ll tell your friends and colleagues about it.

Best Regards,
The SearchMedica Team

Stop Searching. Start Finding.

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