Dentistry & Medicine: A Vital Part of a Healthy Life
Join us Friday March 19for a
Lunch Hour Lecture on Campus:
12:30 pm ~ 1:30 pmTake the opportunity to hear these distinguished guest speakers:
Dr. Therese Rawlins ~ Dentistry as it relates to medicine and nursing.
Dr. Veron Brookes ~ Oral manifestations of systemic disease.Dr. Ron Carty ~ The link between oral health and general health.Dr. Trevor Christmas ~ Common dental problems in children.View video animation of a
Dental Abscess.
Labels: consumer health, dental abscess, dental problems, dentistry, oral health
What is Evidence-Based Practice (EBP)?
Evidence-based practice is "the integration of best research evidence
with clinical experience
and patient values and circumstances."
EBP is like a three legged tripod. Just as a tripod needs all three legs to stand, EBP needs all three components to really succeed!
Thank you
Janet Wale from
CCNet for sharing this in the Cochrane Collaboration
'Consumer Digest' Vol.556(1), Feb 14, 2010.
From: Straus S, Richardson SR, Glasziou P, Haynes BR. Evidence-Based Medicine. How to practice and teach EBM. 3rd ed. Elsevier Churchill Livingstone. 2005.
Labels: Cochrane Collaboration, consumer health, evidence-based medicine, evidence-based practice

FRIDAY, Feb. 8 (HealthDay News) -- When you're at the beach, you may want to stay on dry sand as much as possible, suggests a University of Florida researcher who conducted a two-year study of three Florida beaches to assess possible health effects of beach sand.
The study found that longer exposure to water, wet sand boosts your risk for gastrointestinal illness.
Click title to read more from MedlinePlus ...
The study was recently published in Marine Pollution Bulletin.Labels: beach, consumer health, environmental health, gastrointestinal illnesses, marine pollution, water-bourne illnesses, wet sand