Thursday, June 25, 2009

Steps Forward in the Prevention of Cervical Cancer

Dear Colleagues,
Our second semester medical student Smita Prasad, with her Master’s in Public Health [University of Kentucky, College of Public Health, Lexington, KY] has done it again... Smita is an asset to our University and a joy to work with! This is her second published article on HPV vaccines and their cost effectiveness in the prevention of Cervical Cancer.
Dr. MJ Cannon

"Management strategies and cost effectiveness in the prevention of cervical cancer." by Smita R Prasad, ClinicoEconomics and Outcomes Research Journal, June 2009.

Coincidentally, Cervical Cancer is in the news here in the Caribbean this week as well. The Trinidad & Tobago Express reports:
"The incidence of cervical cancer in the Caribbean is more than four times that in some developed countries because women are either uneducated about the disease or afraid to be screened, says Minister of Health, Jerry Narace."

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