Friday, December 05, 2008

Statistical Snapshot of College Drinking

"The consequences of excessive and underage drinking affect virtually all college campuses, college communities, and college students ...whether or not they choose to drink!"
Click on the title or go to NIAAA's College Drinking Prevention website.

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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

What is 'binge drinking'?

Some innovative medical students from the University of Southampton (UK) along with assistance from the Southampton University Hospitals Trust(SUHT) Liver Team and the Alcohol Education and Research Council (UK), have developed a website of useful information on alcohol consumption.

The DRINKULATOR interactive online self-assessment test developed by Dr. Nick Sheron is available on the site along with access to much current information on the topics of alcohol consumption, health affects of drinking, and alcoholism.

The Severity of Alcohol Dependence Questionnaire (SADQ), a short, self-administered, 20-item questionnaire designed by the World Health Organisation to measure severity of dependence on alcohol is also included on the website.

If you couldn't answer the question in the title you need to read the section on the website entitled 'Binge Drinking'.

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