Friday, August 23, 2019

Essential Radiology Videos on AccessMedicine

A series of radiology videos are now available on AccessMedicine through Exploring Essential Radiology at the following link: Radiology Videos

Exploring Essential Radiology has been available on AccessSurgery for a few years now, but this is brand new content to AccessMedicine

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Monday, August 19, 2019

Access Medicine Provides Enhanced Functionality to Q & A Section

Access Medicine has added some new functionality to it's Q&A section.  As you know, your MyAccess profile keeps track of your practice quiz performances.  However, it only lists how many questions you took, the score, and the date/time you took that quiz. This makes it difficult to quickly identify what that quiz may have been related to.  

Students now have the ability to rename their quizzes so they can easily identify that quiz for future reference.  To help demonstrate this new functionality, Access Medicine has recorded this brief tutorial: Renaming Quiz Enhancement.  This new functionality should be particularly helpful to those students using the Q&A and the Board Review Q&A. 

Please contact Ann Celestine at the Library if you need assistance with your personal MyAccess login to Access Medicine, or otherwise navigating the database.

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