Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Harrison's Podclass Audio Series on Access Medicine

McGraw Hill has launched a new Harrison’s audio series based on their Harrison's Self-Assessment and Board ReviewThe new audio series will be covering key issues that all residents and clinicians in medicine need to understand, both for patient care and for board exam preparation. 

Each episode is a discussion between two physicians on a case vignette. These downloadable episodes will cover key pearls of wisdom in addition to correct and incorrect answer explanations.  Ten episodes are available now with addition episodes to come each month.  You can access these directly under the multimedia tab in AccessMedicine.

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Monday, July 23, 2018

High-Yield Pathophysiology Animations on Access Medicine

McGraw Hill has added Harrison's High Yield Pathophysiology Animations to the Access Medicine platform. Each episode covers a disease mechanism that is a 'need-to-know' for the USMLE and rotational exams. Each episode runs only 4-8 minutes and is written and narrated by Scott Stern MD from the University of Chicago. McGraw Hill will continue to post additional episodes every month for the next several months. Access these animations under the multimedia tab 'Harrison's Pathophys Animations'. If you need assistance with your login for Access Medicine please contact the Anne Ross Library.

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Wednesday, July 11, 2018

UMHS Library Resources for Novice Medical Researchers

This video presentation outlines the basic terrain of medical information resources that may be of particular use to students embarking on a medical research study of their own. Recorded for the UMHS Medical Research Elective Course in June 2018 by Ann Celestine, Director of the UMHS Anne Ross Library. (29 min.)

I acknowledge the re-use of a collection of library instruction sheets created by Katy Kavanagh Webb, Librarian at East Carolina University, published by Elsevier's Library Connect, 2017.

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