Friday, September 30, 2016

UMHS Provides DynaMed Plus for Clinical Decision Support

 Image result for DynaMed Plus logo
We are pleased to announce that the Anne Ross Library at UMHS now provides the DynaMed Plus clinical-decision support tool to all our students and faculty!

The DynaMed Plus clinical point-of-care database has been redesigned! The focus of DynaMed Plus is to provide comprehensive clinical decision support with the fastest time-to-answer possible. The content is all about the evidence and is updated on a daily basis! The search feature has been redesigned for quicker access and images and a calculator filter have been added. Included are evidence-based treatment recommendations, medical graphics, algorithms, radiological imaging, expert reviews, etc. Specialty content along with Micromedex® drug information is integrated into the database and all is optimized for off-line mobile viewing with the downloadable app.
View this short video tutorial highlighting the features of DynaMed Plus, how to perform a search, and how to download to your mobile device. For more detailed instructions on setting up the mobile app click here.

UMHS faculty and students login from the link for DynaMed on the Library Home Page using our EBSCO login. 

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Tuesday, September 27, 2016

AccessMedicine Adds Clerkship Study Tool

McGraw Hill, publishers of quality medical information resources, have added a new feature to their AccessMedicine product. Specifically designed for students on their clerkship rotations, the database has now opened up for all subscribers an internal medicine model curriculum along the lines of what was formerly made available to Instructors as part of the Custom Curriculum platform.

This new 'Clerkship Topics' section is found under the 'Study Tools' tab. Each main subject area contains numerous modules with activities organized under key topics of importance to that field.

This study tool helps focus the student's attention on the key aspects of each topic and provides targeted readings, cases and other activities to aid the learning process and mastery of the information.

The link for AccessMedicine is provided in the left-side bar of the Library Home Page as well as the right-side bar of this Library Blog. Logins for UMHS students were emailed to each of you during your first semester. If you need further assistance with your login and/or navigating this valuable resource, please contact us at the UMHS Anne Ross Library. I also encourage you, while you are in the site, to take some time and check out further some of the other cool resources available to you in the AccessMedicine database.

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