Thursday, November 04, 2010

UN Releases the Latest Human Development Report

UNDP’s 20th anniversary Human Development Report entitled “The Real Wealth of Nations: Pathways to Human Development” launched today [November 4, 2010] at the United Nations.
"The past 20 years have seen substantial progress in many aspects of human development. Most people today are healthier, live longer, are more educated and have more access to goods and services. Even in countries facing adverse economic conditions, people’s health and education have greatly improved."
Click here for a summary of the report.

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At 3:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have only just read the Summary and not the full report. Much as there has been some very good progress there are some notable declines. One is the increasing obesity levels being experienced in several High Income countries. The other is continuing conflict and religious intolerance in many countries which severely restricts real progress.
We are now experiencing this in SKN where security problems are now making serious threats to the good progress that was being made in health improvement.. Most observers will blame the ‘economic downturn’ without facing some of the rather more unpalatable realities.
As an observing epidemiologist this causes me great concern.
Dr Avery.


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