Monday, April 21, 2008

Health Care Innovations Exchange

"The Health Care Innovations Exchange is an AHRQ program designed to support health care professionals in sharing and adopting innovations that improve the delivery of care to patients. Explore this site to find innovative strategies and quality-related tools, learn how to improve your organization's ability to innovate and adopt new ideas, and interact with innovators and adopters."

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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

E-learning in Health Care : Special Issue of The Electronic Journal of e-Learning

This is a special issue of the Electronic Journal of E-learning
devoted to e-learning in healthcare [published as Vol 5(4),February 2008].

"It comprises six articles covering examples and evaluations of e-learning in healthcare, mostly for nurses and allied health professionals. Includes abstracts, full text of the articles, & downloadable PDF format."

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'Research into Nursing in the Third Reich'

Forthcoming book by Linda Shields, professor of nursing at the University of Hull, reveals a dark side of the profession, illustrated in this disturbing archive film from the second world war showing a nurse helping a psychiatric patient to a gas chamber."

'Nursing can't move on unless it addresses its black side'

article by Chris Arnot of The Guardian, London
Wednesday April 9, 2008
Click on the title to access the full article and watch the video.

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Friday, April 04, 2008

PSI Structural Genomics Knowledgebase

New Web Portal to Advance Wide Range of Protein Studies
"The Protein Structure Initiative (PSI), an effort supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has launched an online resource that will enable scientists from across biomedical disciplines to easily access a wealth of information about proteins."

"The Protein Structure Initiative Structural Genomics Knowledgebase (PSI SGKB) is designed to turn the products of the Protein Structure Initiative effort into knowledge that is important for understanding living systems and disease. The PSI SGKB is a key resource in the advancement of biology, biochemistry, functional genomics, pharmacology, bioinformatics, education and clinical medicine."

Another interesting and interactive component of this new web portal is Functional Sleuth. Here are presented "PSI structures which lack full functional annotation. Explore these protein structures and add your input about the possible functions."

Click on the title to visit this new online resource!

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