Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Global Issue called for by the Council of Science Editors

Call for Participation
Global Theme Issue on Poverty and Human Development planned for October 2007 organized by the Council of Science Editors.

Science journals throughout the world will simultaneously publish papers on this topic of worldwide interest - to raise awareness, stimulate interest, and stimulate research into poverty and human development. This is an international collaboration with journals from developed and developing countries.

To date, 200 journals have agreed to participate. The journals plan to publish new original research, review articles, editorials, perspectives, news stories, and other types of articles on the subject of poverty and human development with a common publication or release date of Monday, October 22, 2007.

Two previous global theme issues have been published successfully by biomedical journals. In January 1996, more than 200 articles on Emerging and Reemerging Global Microbial Threats were published by 36 journals from 21 countries, and in 1997, 97 journals in 31 countries published on the theme of Ageing.

copied from the Council's website

Brimstone Hill Class Trip

Here are some wonderful photos of the
History of the Caribbean class’
historic outing to Brimstone Hill.
The photos were taken by Ololade Sogbesan.

Mark H. Bernstein
A. Professor of English/ESL

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

RSS: The New Information Pipeline

This presentation explores the role of RSS in education,
what RSS is and where it could go...

Information Searching Skills

Links to Training Tutorials
Guides IUON students to key online external tutorials
designed to further their information searching skills
pertaining to the medical literature.

Using RSS

Get up to speed with RSS!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Rural Culture and the Health Care System

Dr. Mona M.Counts, the Elouise Ross Eberly Professor of Nursing at Penn State University,
spoke at Case Western Reserve University’s Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing on
“Rural Culture and the Health Care System”
March 26, 2007 at 7 p.m.
Her talk was part of the Bolton School’s
Rozella Schlotfeldt Lecture Series,
which brings in renowned speakers to address current issues in nursing and health care.
The lecture was open to the public.
Click on the link to view the video on Case TV.

Youth Violence Around the World

Dr. Patrick Martin, Chief Medical Officer for JNF Hospital,
will be giving a presentation about
Youth Violence Around the World
with a special emphasis on violence in the youth population of St. Kitts.

Thursday, June 14th, at 8:00 am
in our Auditorium